Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Tips and Tricks

Starting the year off with the goal of fat loss is pretty common - and it doesn't have to be hard!

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you start shedding the bodyfat and track your results:

1) Take some before pictures (front, side and back shot) and print off a few copies - make notes on what you want to change, draw on one of the prints how you would like your physique to change. Put the "desired changes" copy on your dresser or bathroom mirror.

2)Change your breakfast to the high power combo of oatmeal (not the sugary kind) and an egg plus a feww egg whites, scrambled, or mixed with the oatmeal, some cinnamon and splenda and cooked into a delicious, energy revving pancake.

3) Eat a "snack meal" including lean protein every 3 hours - its easy enough to put lean deli turkey or lean roast beef in Ziploc baggies and eat it on the go, include a side of crunchy, fiber-containing veggies or an apple.

4) Get some type of exercise most days - weight lifting will boost your metabolism and re-shape your body like nothing else. include Interval cardio sessions a few times a week for extra fat loss.

5) Stay hydrated with plenty of fresh water.

5 easy steps :) So sit down today and plan how to achieve your goals - make a list for grocery shopping, cook and pre-pack your meals for the week, set appointments for your workouts just like they are the most important business meetings of your life and get ready to rock 2011 :)

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